Hello dear reader! In my last update, I promised you rugby and Italy pictures. Well, today, I deliver!
My trip to Italy began in Venice, when we landed at 10 am and began exploring on no sleep like crazy people.

The next day, I decided that getting up at 6am after a day of no sleep is a good idea, so we went to the Alps, which were gorgeous. I love all the little towns nestled between the peaks.

Then we went to Rome, and spent the day in Rome exploring the Colosseum and the Roman Forum.

After that, it was time for rugby! I was pretty happy with how I played, considering that my cardio still isn’t fully recovered from last year.

And that’s the whirlwind photo update! After I got back, I was horribly sick for the rest of my week of vacation, so I spent most of it in bed. So exciting!
What else has been going on in my life? Well, writing continues. I’ve been working hard on my editing. I really want to be completely done with this book this summer. And I should make it—I just need to stop finding problems I can fix. Or at least finding problems that involve significantly rewriting several chapters

One I’m finally done the book, I’ll begin the long, grueling process of trying to sell it. I’m pretty confident that this is a good book, but the process will still take months if I’m lucky. And, for 3 years’ work, pay enough to buy a hot tub. Haha.

All the best,