It's been two months since I started re-working on my second novel, On the Shoulders of Demons, so it's time I give an update. It's been a crazy two months! I've also moved, had all my possessions on a driveway unsure if I'd get them in the house that day, received my first feedback on The Marvellous Makeover Murders, had plumbing problems at the new house, had meltdowns about the plumbing … [Read more...]
Out to Beta Readers
Dear Reader, Hello! It's been a wild two months for me. And while I'd like to say all's well that ends well, I don't think my anxiety and waistline agree. Moving is always stressful, and after a very busy April setting up my house to sell it, I sold it quite quickly. And then found a house that me, Bren, and Kale really loved. Put in an offer that was accepted. Paid the deposit and did the … [Read more...]
A New Decade
Hello dear readers! Before me stretches the portentous, menacing road of a new decade. As F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote, "Thirty – the promise of a decade of loneliness, a thinning list of single men to know, a thinning briefcase of enthusiasm, thinning hair." Except I'm not 30. I'm 40. But do I feel it? I bench pressed 360 pounds on my birthday, I'm getting ready for rugby season, and I'm … [Read more...]
Steady Progress
Happy Almost-Spring to my fellow Canadians! Here in Ottawa, we're getting warm weather and more sunshine, which is absolutely lovely. I'm looking forward to sitting out in the park and writing again. Of course, we're still getting ridiculous amounts of snow. Here's Saturday's damage: I've been continuing to work on the Marvelous Makeover Murders, which is coming along! I was hoping to have … [Read more...]
New Year, Same Project
Hello Earthlings! Welcome to 2023 from your favourite writer who you are reading the newsletter of right now! (and if you're also reading another writer's newsletter and you prefer them... that's impressive, and I'll accept second place.) I did not send out a newsletter last month because, well, November was not my best writing month. And then neither was December. So, my 3rd book will … [Read more...]
First Draft, Finished!
Hello dear readers! I'm sorry I missed my October newsletter. I had burnt out at the end of September, and all I could really do was go to work, stumble through my workout, and then fall asleep while trying to write (I may have almost given myself a concussion falling asleep while writing on my tablet. Yes, I can play rugby for 14 years with nothing close to a concussion, but try to write … [Read more...]